Over the last several years I have been researching widely for a book that captures the historical moment of oil discovery in Uganda, its impact on the political direction of the country and on its minorities. The research is on going and some articles on the blog are gleaned from this work.
VRS/Fanaka Kwawote
VRS is a for-profit venture of the Think Tank Fanaka Kwawote. It was set up in recognition of the practical challenges facing actors within the policy and development field as well as their private sector partners in implementing projects within a complex bureaucracy and unique organisational structure and culture in East Africa. It also serves as an on-going research and live mapping exercise on decision-making in critical sectors such as the extractives, construction, judiciary, legislation and defense. It is in line with the political economy (PEA) analysis led approach to implementing projects by putting them on a sustainable path that recognizes the local conditions they are meant to operate in.
Chapter Four Uganda
The legal charity Chapter Four, in the historical district of Kololo is now a feature in the public life of Uganda’s civic struggles. I sit on its board and work directly with its founder Nicholas Opiyo as an advisor on strategy. Visit Chapter Four here to learn about its work offering targeted legal assistance in participation.
Re-imagining film as an instrument of African conversations
In the era of unprecedented technological changes to the way we learn about each other – film remains a great content vehicle. As an intellectual exercise, younger Africans in the future will have the tools to tell their own stories and use them to confront their own realities, hopes and place in the world. I am involved, with a few partners, in efforts to get more local production on television in Uganda and greater collaboration with the global television industry in getting home-grown African content on network shows.