
Is South Sudan already a failed state? Who is asking?

It is Sunday. The Day After South Sudan’s Independence and it will soon feel distant. The morning after big parties is quite a spectacle- worse in towns than in the village. This morning I woke up thinking about Agamas- those brilliantly colored lizards whose quick dash and weak hold (they fell from tall trees then walk away from the event like it were some sort of acrobatic feat), painted the brown sand and soil of the dry season back home.

I never really associated them with dry spells but now seem to recall that there were more seen on hot afternoons. They were also rather aggressive and territorial little things.

If Sunday, after church and lunch, persuaded one to close the eyes, under a mango or guava tree, an Agama territorial dance was sure to interrupt. Where did the Agama get his color? I don’t know.

Its seeded somewhere like other mysteries, like the seeds in the granary, hard grains rather unremarkable one day and a field of color after the rains. It is an interesting way to think about tomorrow as the seeds of today.

Monday tomorrow and we will return to the challenges of Uganda’s economy. Somehow this seems like a day for siestas and not discussing import cover and all these serious things- like if South Sudan is in fact already a failed state ( it’s a worthwhile question)

Who knows it may be like the Agama, falling often and walking away to fall another day in a flash of color. In any event the big party was held on a dry hot day. This afternoon there will be Agama’s running circles around it like Formula One cars.

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