
Lake Albert earthquake raises questions on offshore drilling for oil

Over the last several weeks while researching the potential implications of drilling in the environmentally sensitive Albertine Graben I had several conversations with geologists and professional environmentalists. One of the questions I asked in particular about drilling under the Lake Albert bed is what happens in case of shifts on the teutonic plates under the Lake. This unfortunately is not a question that is well answered. Most professionals commenting on exploratory drilling especially on the King Fisher find next to Lake Albert controlled by the Chinese company CNOOC ( See my story ) only say that the technology of deviated wells is sound. However after the earthquakes and tremors of the last few hours one has to seriously consider the implications of an underwater spill caused by natural factors exacerbated by drilling for oil.

The earthquake center appears to be right in the middle of the lake and brings to light the potential implications of an oil spill on what is a transboundary lake. Uganda is currently working on an oil spill contingency plan but how much of it appreciates a lake wide contamination is unclear.

Several articles after the one I published have dealt with the environmental implications of the Graben one of the most complex ecosystems in the world. Now however serious attention should be paid to the geology of the area particularly on the feasibility of offshore drilling on the lake itself

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