
Kabalagala sickness

Kabalagala: entertainment in Kampala, Uganda

Yesterday was another busy day at the Daily Monitor in Kampala where i work as a journalist. It was also one of the last days of David Herbert, a Stanford intern at the paper, a day he spent writing about how a few Ugandans had ” struck gold” in Iraq working as security guards at American bases there. The later part of the day was a meeting between a few of Dave’s friends at a friendly restaurant below his apartment in Kisementi. That part of the evening ended up in a “social experiment” in Kabalagala, the CHOGM capital ( CHOGM stands for Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting which Kampala is hosting next month).

Being in Kabalagala at three in the morning is quiet an experience. Loud music, ” rolex sellers” ( chapati with eggs and tomatoes, a true hangover killer, boda boda riding and hanging out with the colorful people there is something eclectic and i bet a great way for a Stanford intern to wind down his days in Kampala. I am going to miss Dave and his fellow interns but now let me get back to posting some of my work. There is no shortage of great stuff out of Uganda indeed i am inundated by it. Today for example my newspaper had ribcracking headlines. ” MP takes rotten beans to Parliament” ” City Schools turned into parttime lodges” and ” Airline sacrifices goats to appease sky gods” it does not get better than this. I welcome you to my first day on this new blog.

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